At a recent overly elaborate gaming conference in LA a number of new VR games have been announced that will enable players to shoot at a wide variety of things. Excel Brownwater, chief executive product tickler at VR studio, Shooty Dog said "VR gamers love nothing more than sliding around, chasing their floating hands and shooting at stuff". "Our analysts have confirmed that shooting at stuff has been very popular in all forms of gaming for well over 6 years. VR has the added benefit that the shooting feels way more shooty because the bit that shoots has increased shooting immersion". Creative distractor at Shooty Dog, Brink Shrapnel said "For our first game, Shooting Shooting and More Shooting VR, we're adding a revolutionary feature that allows you to shoot from both hands, your face and your pants simultaneously. You'll agree that's significantly more VR shooting than has ever been attempted".
"We're also considering adding slicing at some point to enhance the never-ending shooting. Our marketing guys are pretty confident that slicing stuff up with a big-ass sword like an espresso fueled, rampaging samurai will be extremely popular with VR players". Brownwater adds "Shooting AND slicing!.... I smell a killer app".